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All the GUARDMAN® Value Kits (monitoring systems) are expandable with available GUARDMAN® devices:



Universal Nurse Call Button

-    Simply plug into the Wireless Fall Monitoring Alarm to become a call button 
-    Temper-resistant design



Wake up pad

GUARDMAN® Wake up pad generates a vibration upon receipt a signal output from GUARDMAN® Multi-Alert Receiver. 



Wake up pad (Strong Vibration Version)

​GUARDMAN® Wake up pad generates a strong vibration upon receipt a signal output from GUARDMAN® Multi-Alert Receiver.  



Chair Sensor Pad (15" x 10")

-    Easy to use, simply plug into the Wireless Fall Monitoring Alarm, no need to setup and install battery 
-    Slip-resistant and non-skin sensitive



Bed Sensor Pad (30" x 20")

-    Easy to use, simply plug into the Wireless Fall Monitoring Alarm, no need to setup and install battery 
-    Slip-resistant and non-skin sensitive


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